Torn ligament
I'm starting to learn the basics of looking and analyzing x-rays. For example the picture I have attached is of a torn ligament. This is...

Stocking Syringes
I spent most of my morning popping syringes which isn't always the best thing to do but it's necessary because it's always needed. They...

Old Kitty
This old lady has an ear hematoma. They can get these by having ear infections and shaking their heads a lot. When they shake their...

Awhile ago we had an emergency come in very sick and lathargic. The first photo is what they removed from this dog. Because of how...

Cold & Snowy
Finally winter break and I plan on spending more time at my internship. I came in today to help, but the appointments were very slow....

Eye Enucleation
One of my favorite surgeries so far occurred today. This was an eye removal on a old beagle. The poor guy had a lens luxation and really...
From time to time other doctors come in to do special surgeries on our patients. This is because they have special tools to do certain...

Bunny Burrito
We deal with some exotics in our clinic. Today we had a mass removal from a bunny. This boy was adorable and to calm him down we wrapped...

Slow day
Today there was not any surgeries scheduled and very few appointments. It was a great time to focus on the 3 animals we have hospitalized...

Busy bees
This day was super hectic. One of the staff members was sick so I was able to step in and help with everything. On top of this it was a...