Big boy (1/25)
For the past couple of days we have had a cat hospitalized with diabetes because his blood glucose levels have been crazy high. This boy...

Nemo ❤️ (1/24)
If you have read any of my blogs at all, you would know that I absolutely love the clinic cats. By far though Nemo is my favorite. I'm...

Crypt Neuter(1/18)
Lately the clinic hasn't been very busy. I've been trying to help here and there by filling up bottles of alcohol, chlorhex, and ear...

Torn ligament
I'm starting to learn the basics of looking and analyzing x-rays. For example the picture I have attached is of a torn ligament. This is...

Stocking Syringes
I spent most of my morning popping syringes which isn't always the best thing to do but it's necessary because it's always needed. They...

Old Kitty
This old lady has an ear hematoma. They can get these by having ear infections and shaking their heads a lot. When they shake their...

Awhile ago we had an emergency come in very sick and lathargic. The first photo is what they removed from this dog. Because of how...