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Great Pony, I mean Dane

Considering today was Wednesday, it was another surgery day. When I first got there I helped clean out the cages of Coral, Nemo, and Dora which are the cats that live at the clinic. Then we had to prep the doggies for surgery, which includes things like premeds, blood work, and IV catheters. All of the surgeries that were planned today were mass removals: one inside of a mouth, one inside of an ear and other that was just on the chest of the dog. The ear mass removal took about 1 minute because the doctor used the laser and the mass was barely the size of a pea. The chest mass removal was on a great Dane and the vet tech literally had to lay on him for the doctor to be able to put a IV catheter in. This big guy was super sweet, but weighed 148 pounds so they had to do the removal on the floor instead of on the surgery table.

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